Shameem Islam
Co-investigator (WP1)
Dr. Shameem Islam has over nineteen years of experience in the fields of marine, offshore and arctic engineering with technical expertise in both physical and numerical modelling, particularly for harsh environmental conditions. Dr. Islam has carried out various ocean and naval architectural engineering-related research and development projects throughout his career, focusing mainly on numerical modelling of ships and propulsion hydrodynamics and acoustics. Dr. Islam’s current research interest includes ice-waves-structure interactions modelling and marine propulsion and noise measurements and modelling. Dr. Islam’s research work has been disseminated through more than ninety publications and presentations at various international journals and conferences, including several editions of the SNAME Transactions, RINA Transactions, ISP, OE, JNAME, JSR, JSDP, and OMAE Journals. Dr. Islam is a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) and the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland (PEGNL). In addition, Dr. Islam is a member of the Government of Canada interdepartmental working group of Ocean Noise and represents Transport Canada in the international Cooperative Ship Research (CRS) initiatives. Dr. Islam has completed his Doctoral research at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2008. Dr. Islam is co-investigator in Work Package 1: “Improving safety and environmental footprints of marine vehicles by design and operation.”