Peter Kikkert
Co-investigator (WP3)
Dr. Peter Kikkert is the Irving Shipbuilding Chair in Arctic Policy and an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Governance at the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government, St. Francis Xavier University. Dr. Kikkert's research focuses on how to strengthen search and rescue (SAR), emergency management, and disaster response capabilities and bolster community disaster resilience in remote, isolated, northern, and coastal communities. In particular, his work focuses on the roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of the community-based organizations involved in SAR and emergency response (e.g. Coast Guard Auxiliary, volunteer SAR teams, Canadian Rangers), and how to better incorporate these groups into broader SAR and emergency management plans and policies. In pursuing this research program, Dr. Kikkert works extensively with northern communities, community-based organizations, and with the federal, territorial, and municipal agencies involved in public safety, SAR, and emergency management. Dr. Kikkert is involved in Work Package 3 “Search and Rescue in Remote Regions”.