Tom Cooper
Co-investigator (WP7)
Dr. Tom Cooper is Professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University. His research interests include risk management and strategic planning. Prior to taking his position at Memorial, Tom was a Senior Manager in PwC’s Consulting practice in London, United Kingdom for seven years. He holds a Ph.D. in Business from the Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom and undergraduate degrees in commerce and philosophy from Memorial University. He has published his research on entrepreneurship and social innovation in a number of peer-reviewed journals including Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, Community Work and Family, the Journal of Enterprising Communities as well as Greener Management International: The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice. Tom has spoken at international, national and local conferences on the subjects of risks as well as innovation. Aside from a number of research awards, he was the recipient of Memorial University’s President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching in 2013. His research has also been funded in the past by SSHRC, the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs, the Harris Centre at Memorial University as well as Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador. Tom has specific interests in social innovation and entrepreneurship as it relates to organizations and communities. Tom’s research approach is focused on a collaborative, participatory research approach that aims to make a difference in the organizations, communities and people. Tom Cooper is a Co-Investigator on the project and will act as the co-lead for partner relationships, colead for knowledge mobilization/transfer efforts as well as act as a co-author on academic articles, reports and media.