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Robert Stephenson

Co-Lead (IWP1), Advisory Committee member

Dr. Robert Stephenson is a Research Scientist with the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (St. Andrews Biological Station, since 1984), and Visiting Research Professor at the University of New Brunswick (since 2010). From 2010-2016 he was Principal Investigator of the Canadian Fisheries Research Network – an NSERC-funded network that linked academics, industry and government in collaborative fisheries research across Canada. Stephenson has worked extensively on the ecology, assessment, and management of Atlantic herring, and more broadly on issues related to fisheries resource evaluation and Fisheries Management Science. Current research interests include development of integrated coastal management, implementation of the ecosystem approach in social-ecological systems, development of policies and strategies for full-spectrum sustainability of marine activities including the integration of ecological, economic, social/cultural and institutional aspects of management, and strategic foresighting in relation to the management of coastal activities and the viability of coastal communities in the context of ecosystem change.

Robert Stephenson
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