Amber Silver
Co-investigator (IWP2)
Dr. Amber Silver is an Assistant Professor for the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY-Albany). She received her Ph.D. in Geography and Environmental Management from the University of Waterloo. Her primary research interests focus on how individuals and groups make decisions before, during, and after high impact weather. More specifically, she is interested in the roles that public attention, risk perception, and communication play in protective action decision making during extreme events. Her most recent research has focused on the ways that new technologies, including social media, influence how individuals obtain, interpret, and respond to official and unofficial warning information. Dr. Silver has recently joined the communications task force of the High Impact Weather (HIWx) working group of the World Weather Research Programme of the World Meteorological Organization. This ten-year project aims to understand and improve the communication of weather information to different end-users in order to promote appropriate protective actions. With Ron Pelot and Joel Finnis, Dr. Silver is co-lead of the Coast & Ocean Risk Communication Community of Practice (CORC-CoP).