Martin Day
Co-investigator (WP2)
Dr. Martin Day is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is trained in social psychology and has interests in understanding people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. In particular, his research has focused on better understanding how people’s beliefs relate to their behaviours on a variety of societal topics, including the environment, as well as social and economic issues. His research methodology includes conducting surveys of people’s beliefs and attitudes, and creating novel study materials and questionnaires. Dr. Day has expertise on how psychological factors can influence and explain people’s beliefs, and how to accurately assess and evaluate people’s existing knowledge and opinions on applied topics. Dr. Day will serve as co-lead on WP2.2 (Utility of Climate Guidance). His overarching research duties are to provide expertise on how to accurately assess stakeholders’ knowledge, understanding, and attitudes related to climate guidance.